Global Footer

Footer backgrounds, font color and link colors can be variable as long as they use approved colors from the Interactive Color Palette, as shown in the Color Palette section.

All websites, microsites, mobile applications and e-newsletters should include the legal and privacy policies in the footer, in addition to “Copyright © 20XX The Toro Company. All Rights Reserved.” These should all be left justified.

The company’s latest version of the Privacy Policy, Terms of Use and End-User License Agreement (EULA) should be included on all websites, microsites, blogs and mobile apps. Please make sure the provided statements correctly state your business use before posting, and contact Teri Carlisano if revisions are needed.

Footer Example


  Background: #FFFFFF

Font Color: 333333



Copyright information that appears in the footer is displayed in Verdana at a size of 11 pixels and a hexadecimal color that matches the font color value listed in the Footer Examples section.

Legal Symbols

All legal symbols (®, ™ and ©) are displayed in Verdana at a size of 11 pixels and a hexadecimal color value that matches the accompanying text.