The repeated use of a family of colors is an important element in strengthening Toro's brand identity.

Primary DIGITAL Color Palette

Standardized colors create a positive and consistent brand experience throughout our digital properties. The approved color palette for Toro-branded websites, microsites, mobile applications and other platforms features a base grey and other approved colors as shown below.


Hex: #CD2027


 Dark Grey
 Hex: #333333


 Base Grey
 Hex: #666666


 Medium Grey
 Hex: #999999


Light Grey




Additional DIGITAL Promotional Accent Colors

These colors are only to be used for promotional elements and should be used sparingly as accents within graphical elements to call out important information.


Hex: #F8EDB4


 Hex: #006CDC


 Smart Features ONLY
 Hex: #1182F7


 Financing ONLY
 Hex: #5CB85C


Review Stars ONLY
Hex: #FCB830