18" (45.7 cm) Mechanical Power Rake

  • Model: 33513
  • Easy operation & transport, perfect for homeowner use
  • 32 flail blades on 1.5” spacing to handle any dethatching project
  • Blade engagement by centrifugal clutch for easy operation


Make transport easy with the compact, lightweight design of the Toro® 18" Mechanical Power Rake. Simplify operation with centrifugal clutch blade engagements. Convert to seeding with optional accessories for spring and fall use in one machine. Handle any dethatching project with 32 flail blades on 1.5" spacing.


Engine Honda GX160 (Horizontal Shaft)


Title Documents
Turf Renovation Brochure.pdf PDF - Sellsheet-en-CA



For complete product warranty information contact Toro Customer Service

**See dealer for Warranty details.