Lynx® LAC

Die ganze Kontrolle in Ihren Händen
  • Modell: Lynx LAC
  • Toro’s Lynx LAC allows you to calculate runtimes to the second, not just to the nearest minute. With this level of precision, when you “water by amount,” each sprinkler runs for the exact amount of time to apply the exact amount of water needed, allowing for more consistent application of water to all parts of the course.
  • When migrating from a first-generation decoder system, all you need to do is replace all existing decoders with Lynx LAC decoders, install Lynx, and you are good to go! Lynx LAC decoders wire into legacy systems to make them controllable by Lynx. It's a lot easier, and less expensive, than redoing the entire irrigation system.
  • Lynx LAC decoders effectively ‘convert’ sprinklers. The transition process can be done at a pace to suit you – and your budget. Upgrade rather than fully renovate the course. The course stays open, and you can migrate in a few days or over a few weeks/months…or any timescale you want. This spreads the effort – and the cost.


Toro investiert ständig in die Entwicklung neuer Produkte, einschließlich Lynx, dem leistungsstärksten Beregnungssteuerungssystem der Welt. Lynx hat die Beregnung von Golfplätzen verändert und ist als eindeutiger Marktführer etabliert. Bis jetzt war Lynx nur mit Toro-Geräten kompatibel. Mit Lynx LAC kann es auf allen älteren kabelgebundenen Systemen eingesetzt werden und bringt die leistungsstarken Vorteile der Lynx-Plattform von Toro in Reichweite - einschließlich der Möglichkeit, die Beregnung von einem Desktop-Computer oder einem Mobilgerät aus zu steuern.


Irrigation to the second.
Toro Irrigation To The Second
Toro’s Lynx LAC allows you to calculate runtimes to the second, not just to the nearest minute. With this level of precision, when you “water by amount,” each sprinkler runs for the exact amount of time to apply the exact amount of water needed, allowing for more consistent application of water to all parts of the course.
When migrating from a first-generation decoder system, all you need to do is replace all existing decoders with Lynx LAC decoders, install Lynx, and you are good to go! Lynx LAC decoders wire into legacy systems to make them controllable by Lynx. It's a lot easier, and less expensive, than redoing the entire irrigation system.
Lynx LAC decoders effectively ‘convert’ sprinklers. The transition process can be done at a pace to suit you – and your budget. Upgrade rather than fully renovate the course. The course stays open, and you can migrate in a few days or over a few weeks/months…or any timescale you want. This spreads the effort – and the cost.



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